Monday, March 10, 2014

Herd Bound

Are You Herd Bound?

LESSON 8--Herd Bound

As described on the website "Horses are a social species.  When allowed to live as they would in the wild, they group themselves with other horses -- they form herds.  Like other prey animals, being part of a herd makes them feel safe.  It improves their chances of survival."

Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV)

So, I'm in California, and while walking to a restaurant I was sharing what a difference it is here compared to Missouri.  When asked, How?...I started to say "It's more aggressive here..." but was interrupted with a loud backfire sound that came from a group of motorcycles.  I jumped and screamed to turn around and see Steven Tyler (Aerosmith, American Idol) getting on his bike with everyone swarming around him.  When I googled him, it was already posted on Mail online how he was wearing comical goggles as he hopped on his bike in front of Gjelina restaurant in Venice on Saturday--I was there....I was not impressed.....

Why did I share this?  Maybe it will become more clear when I tell you about my horse lesson and Nitro's herd bound issues (after all, this is about a horse--right?).  Well, it all started with me being in the arena with Nitro trying to lunge him and my husband was in the shop near by, with all the other horses in the barn lot watching us.  Here is a picture of our arena;

LeAnn noticed Nitro was not paying attention to me.  One ear was on the herd and the other was on my husband.  This was an issue, obviously I'm not 'anybody' to Nitro.  

It is this way with my relationship with God.  Am I herd bound?  Do I consider what others think?  Am I influenced by social media and advertisements? I wonder as women, how many of us are influenced by these things.  I think we are more then we is doing its job.

Check out Genesis 11:1-9 The Tower of Babel 

All the people were speaking in one language and they decided to make bricks and build a tower to heaven TO MAKE A NAME FOR THEMSELF.  I was struck by this footnote "We may build monuments to ourselves (job, house, car) to call attention to our achievements, and these may not be wrong in themselves, but when we use them to GIVE US IDENTITY AND SELF-WORTH, they take Gods place in our lives."  I am guilty of this, I have allowed many people and things to bring me a sense of self-worth; thus identity.  If you are honest, you may have to say you have too.  Even in the obsessive behavior with my children and my involvement in their life journey.  Their Life Journey.  Somehow, over the years, I have heaped enough guilt on myself, that I kind of 'step into their space' when things are either going bad or good.  I 'feel their pain' and I 'feel responsible'.  Now, professionals have diagnosed this as many things; co-dependency, or immeshed.  All I know is I lose 'Me'.

Here's a diagram; (or imagine one, I'm not able to create one today using my iPad)

Cindy's life of teaching, children, marriage ~ they are doing well = Babel wall built TALL & self worth,          identity increases

Cindy's life of teaching, children, marriage ~ they are not doing well = decrease of self worth, and identity

I am now seeing how not being able to separate myself and know in my heart of hearts my safe place is not in my identity I have created through life experiences, it is in Him.  My safety is in Him.  I need not be herd bound.

What about you?

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