Sunday, October 12, 2014

Too Much Energy

LESSON 26--Waiting

Can you see Jewels standing tied ... Oh, and that's Buck

Have you ever watched a horse stand tied for a long period of time?  With a young horse, they try all sorts of maneuvers to get away; they pull on the rope, they paw the grown, they snort, they shake their body all over like they have a huge horse fly on them, anything to get away from standing still.  Spending energy.

An older horse just stands; patiently awaiting their next command.  They have learned that in this environment, it's best to conserve energy.

I have a dear older friend who has taught me so much.  I have learned mostly from just being around her and taking in every moment as if I were her intern.  An intern with a hunger to be a Godly wife and Sister in Christ.

She has had so much loss and hardship in her life but maintains a positive disposition ... in everything.  Her love for her husband of over 60 years is obvious as he requires her assistance in many things since he is not as mobile.

I have watched her tirelessly continue to 'do life' despite ...

Proverbs 14:1 'A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.'

On one occasion, while we were together with a group of ladies having a bite to eat, we were discussing issues with our husbands that brought us stress.  Things like; why do they ask us when they can't find something that's right in front of their faces.  One younger lady went into great detail how she has moved things to accommodate her husband, talked to him, reminded him over and over and she was at the end of her rope!

My friend sat quietly giggling to herself and said in a soft voice, "too much energy".  

We all stopped talking and asked her what she meant.

She explained, "you are going to need that energy later, why are you spending it on something so small?".


We all went on in our conversation, and again fell on a topic with our husbands and how they weren't doing this or that and I looked over at my friend giggling again, she said "too much energy".

When I reflect on my life and how I am day to day I have to say I spend alot of energy where my friend would not.  I schedule things, get anxious when they don't follow my schedule.  I make lists, plan the week, and ask my husband what his plans are; only to find nothing follows the plans. This leaves me with a sense of not accomplishing or completing what I set out to complete .... energy wasted as I rehash where I went wrong.

So for now, my journey is to find a healthy balance in doing daily life, being present without setting up schedules and lists to feed my need for accomplishments or having a 'good' performance.  

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