Saturday, September 13, 2014


  1. a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.
    synonyms:modesty, humbleness, meeknessdiffidence, unassertiveness; 

    The concept of being humble was the topic on Bott Radio today and my understanding has changed.

    I always thought of being humble as being low, or lower than.

    Adrian Rogers discussed how Jesus was humble, but yet he knew who he was.  He knew he had power and strength and yet he served.

    I know from reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskampe that if one choses to be humble and the moment you think of that act, away the humility goes.  Ann also taught me that the only true way to joy and peace, God's peace, is to go lower .... as water flows downward .... as small children remain joyful and their view is from a smaller vantage point; without expectation.

    But denying who you are is NOT humility.  Saying, "oh, I can't do anything right."  OR "I'm not good at that" neither one is an act of humility.  In fact, those statements beg for a reply; "Oh yes you can, Yes you are".

    So I guess what I'm wondering about is when your marriage is struggling where do your thoughts go?  Do you humble yourself?  OR Are they about your needs and how they are not being met?  Is this struggle on your 'urgent' list? Or have you become familiar with where you both are in the marriage and now you settle there.


    We have decided to close our Horse Travel Bed and Breakfast to begin a marriage ministry.  Our home's basement has served as a B & B for a few years now.  The niche market we served were married couples traveling with horses.  They could board their horse, unhook their trailer and travel to area attractions while resting in our B & B.  We had a website, organic/farm-grown menu and prior to every guest I would clean/prepare the space by praying for them.

    God has blessed us in our marriage of late and we are now in a peaceful place in our marriage (and it has/is an on-going process). We feel led to share with other couples, to offer a place to re-connect, rest and discuss issues about marriage.  

    The sense of urgency to work on saving a marriage is lacking in those we have been in ministry with.  It's as if there is this pain and desire to remove the pain, but no real desire to do whatever it takes to save the marriage.  Neither party is willing to humble themselves and admit/confess their shortcomings and then use the power almighty God offers in prayer and reconciliation to heal what has been wounded.

    True humility is accepting the power of knowing you are born again, your are His son/daughter and He only wants what is good for you.  Being filled with His love leaves room to humble yourself.  Confessing and forgiving allows us to begin again.

    When we allow marriages to fail, families fail.  When families fail, communities and churches fail.

    How much more urgent should it be to reach out to marriages?  It seems as though there is an unspoken yearning from hurting people in marriages crying for help.  I don't know if its just such a touchy area people do not want to become involved OR we as a church just don't know what to do to help.

    I wonder how many of us know of a couple (or two)  splitting up in your church body and what it would take to break through that silence ~ offer a word of encouragement ~ opportunity to pray together ...

    I'm sure I am so green in this area of ministry I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm sure a lesson is on its way, but please pray for us.  Satan will not want us to speak into lives because this is where he works most diligently ... Christian families.  If he can get to marriages, so goes the family.

    Humility, Power in Him, and Urgency ... Let's get started

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