Thursday, August 7, 2014

Healing and Revealing

LESSON 23 -- Keeping the past in the past.  Nitro has no idea the 'scar' left from my fall from his back over 3 months ago.  My behavior in the 'here and now' is all he is concerned with.  If I bring fear from the past into my present relationship with him, our future will be affected.

Hmmm ....


Philippians 3:13  "... but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead."


We had a few of our horses sent off to be worked for 30 days and when the first batch arrived back home my husband was satisfied.  One of our youngest horses 'broke nicely' as I reported earlier in a post, and he decided to send her back with the statement "she needs to be bomb-proof".  I think that was referring to me ...

Two of our 'favorite' horses were sent too for 30 days of training.  We visited the training site and decided to bring our horses home.  Personalities had changed, one who had been a sweet-heart was not so nice anymore.  I am not saying the training was inappropriate, I am saying that the experience off the farm was stressful for our horses.

One of our horses (I think he's my husbands favorite) seriously was mad at us when he returned.  He pouted and withdrew for a few days.  His name is Captain, then when my husband rode him and spent some time with him, he returned to his old self.  My husband said he could feel him sigh with relief and Captain saying "Man, I'm glad to be home; don't ever do that again".

When we ride our youngest horse (Sugar) you can tell she has been ridden with spurs.

When Captain came home, you could tell his mouth was tender from the training (he's a bit hard-headed).

My point is past experiences scar us.

My scar from my fall has healed as you will see.

*Sidebar*  (I recommend a cream I used mederma h

I met with some of my friends from high school this week and our conversation was so authentic it was medicine to my soul.  It healed me.

The unconditional love, acceptance and warmth from these ladies was so genuine all the insecure feelings were taken away.  I am humbled to have such friends, I definitely do not deserve them.  Isn't that just like God?  

Oh, I they brought me gifts!!  A purse for travel and you'll never guess ... a true cowgirl hat!!!  I guess I'm official now!

Keep reading and I will post a picture of my new, beautiful hat while riding Nitro next time.