Sunday, September 28, 2014

A missing piece

This post is about where to go with new information.  What has shaped your life in terms of your thinking and what has motivated you thus far in life.  This is not to say that there are only a few isolated life events that completely shape a person (well for some, this might be true), but it is worth discussing an "Ah Ha" moment in life when you discover it.

This is such a moment.

In the Beth Moore study "Children of the Day" she teaches that if you are to be a healthy child of God you must have crucial elements in your life to have been 'Parented' properly.  She continues to explain that 'parenting' is not just from your earthly human parents.  She is speaking from the idea of being 'parented' by our Father in heaven and to allow yourself to BE 'PARENTED'.

Ask yourself "what has not been actively engaged in your life"?

I am filling in the blanks of the study guide as every good student does when they are in a class setting 'studying' and it hits me like a brick when she says "If you are missing a piece you are missing peace."


Beth asks:

Are you a performance-oriented person where God is impossible to please?
Are you a person who is blessed no matter ... it is impossible to displease God?

Through this lesson I am thinking to myself "You've covered all of this, you have discussed; released; addressed; cried over all these issues of your life and you have gotten over them."  Then the word NURTURED is to be written on one of the blanks.

To be nurtured by God is to welcome him and to know that I am His child ... His baby girl.  At this point I feel a numbness come over me ... hmmm, I've felt this before.  I emotionally withdraw and protect; almost like I feel myself physically distancing myself from the others in the room.


I have noticed since my retirement that when you 'work' you can remain 'numb' in your job.  I could go behind my desk and teach, stay busy, do my work, interact only when I really needed or wanted to, stay in my classroom and pretty much control my day.

Since my retirement, I am finding I am relating to people differently.  I am not shutting down and moving quickly through conversations.  I do not have that 'work' excuse anymore to NOT invest.  I am much more vulnerable here.


Am I Affectionately Desired--another blank filled in--am I wanted (not just tolerated)?

Do I know this in my heart of hearts? And the answer; the honest answer is 'NO'.  The reason the answer is no is that I can look at my behaviors and emotions over the years (even most recent) and see that I still struggle and behave with these missing pieces.

As I have processed this, life hits me when I least expect it.  Something many would see as an ordinary event ...  the car is driving a bit different and it has more miles on it then I have ever had on a car my entire life.  This is an area of my life that I have managed out of fear; reliable transportation.  I do not ever want to be stranded, helpless along the highway alone.  So when this happened on our way back from Branson, my mind was solving the issue.  The next morning, after a sleepless night, while my husband was gone, I made an appointment with a car rental business and car service department.  When my husband came home I shared this with him and he immediately scratched all my plans.  He had a different plan.

I melted into the sofa ... crying ...

You see I do not trust anyone but ME to take care of ME.  I have to KNOW in order to not become anxious.

As I tried to explain myself to my husband it became clear to me I have tons to work on in my walk with God and as a wife ... duh, go figure huh

From a very young age, I learned to take care of myself AND my little brother.  My level of trust in terms of true, heart to heart, human trust has never been very high.  I have pretty much always been able to do for myself ... so there you see the NURTURING piece; now for the AFFECTIONATELY DESIRED piece.

I'm not sure, but I'm thinking I'm not the only woman with this piece missing or incomplete.  As the third girl when the family plan was 2 girls, 2 boys and followed closely by my brother's birth I have struggled with this 'piece' most of my life.  I am not blaming anyone, in fact; I think it has made me stronger and more capable to endure the hardships in life.  So I am thankful for this.

What I am saying is that as a woman looking back and offering insight into that unconscious way of thinking about life, I have learned that these kind of life experiences create perceptions and motivations that may not be based on a healthy way of viewing things.

So, relying on myself has worked and many times I'm about three days ahead thinking and planning when my husband hasn't even considered what I've already solved.  What a deal!!!

If marriage is to find true,  soul-deep companionship, I've got to give it up!!  As Gary Thomas shares in Sacred Marriage "When we love well, we please God." I have to learn to better understand my husband and trust.  Gary continues by sharing "I had to learn to better understand Lisa (his wife)  before I could truly respect her, and I had to respect her before I could fully love her."

1 John 4:16-18  'And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.  God is love.  Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in Them.  This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement:  In this world we are like Jesus.  There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love.'

Monday, September 22, 2014

Do I want to be right OR Do I want to have peace in the home?

LESSON 25--Pushing a horse past what they 'know' only causes explosive behavior.  My husband was teaching one of our horse to back a couple of weeks ago.  He has learned to use more of a 'soft touch' with his horses lately and in this case, our horse Jewels just had enough.  She threw her head up and launch over backward on top of my husband.  She was (as my husband tells) 'overloaded' and he takes complete blame.  

Meet Jewels

The idea that a horse can be an extension of your legs and they respond to the most slight pressure is the simple explanation of 'soft touch'.  The 'rough' way of making a horse do only causes chaos and fear in a horse.  The trainer is 'right' but there is no peace.


Recently, this same concept played itself out in our home.  I felt something was wrong, so I kept asking questions like "is everything okay dear?", "have I done something to upset you?"... and on and on.  Guys don't process like Gals, but I just couldn't leave it alone.

Here is how Gary Thomas explains this in Sacred Influence.  

"The male cardiovascular system remains more reactive than the female and slower to recover from stress...Since marital confrontation that activates vigilance takes a greater physical toll on the male, it's no surprise that men are more likely than women to attempt to avoid it."
This explains many past situations for me.  Women want to talk about it, because we are so verbal it feels good to talk and come to a resolution, it actually has a calming effect on us.  For a man,  (according to Michael Gurian) 'he doesn't immediately like to talk through distressing emotional events because talking about such issues usually brings them great cognitive discomfort.'  In other words, it hurts men!

Gary Thomas continues;

"...such discussions can create anxiety and distress.  Since it's more difficult for males to process the data, they feel distress instead of comfort.  When you understand that a verbal barrage takes more out of your husband than it does out of you, and that it takes him longer to recover from such an episode, you may begin to realize that criticizing, complaining, and displaying contempt will not allow you to effectively communicate with your man."

A verbal barrage ... hmmm.  I'm just trying to get to the bottom of something, or am I just wanting to be right?

This makes the scripture from Proverbs 27:15 (A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike) real for me.  A dripping ... like a leak in a faucet, drip, drip, drip ...
Wow!!!  That's me!!!

I know my brain works differently than my husbands.  I also know that there are times that being 'right' is really just me being selfish.  

So, ask yourself; Do you want to right OR do you want to have peace in your home?

Saturday, September 13, 2014


  1. a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.
    synonyms:modesty, humbleness, meeknessdiffidence, unassertiveness; 

    The concept of being humble was the topic on Bott Radio today and my understanding has changed.

    I always thought of being humble as being low, or lower than.

    Adrian Rogers discussed how Jesus was humble, but yet he knew who he was.  He knew he had power and strength and yet he served.

    I know from reading 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskampe that if one choses to be humble and the moment you think of that act, away the humility goes.  Ann also taught me that the only true way to joy and peace, God's peace, is to go lower .... as water flows downward .... as small children remain joyful and their view is from a smaller vantage point; without expectation.

    But denying who you are is NOT humility.  Saying, "oh, I can't do anything right."  OR "I'm not good at that" neither one is an act of humility.  In fact, those statements beg for a reply; "Oh yes you can, Yes you are".

    So I guess what I'm wondering about is when your marriage is struggling where do your thoughts go?  Do you humble yourself?  OR Are they about your needs and how they are not being met?  Is this struggle on your 'urgent' list? Or have you become familiar with where you both are in the marriage and now you settle there.


    We have decided to close our Horse Travel Bed and Breakfast to begin a marriage ministry.  Our home's basement has served as a B & B for a few years now.  The niche market we served were married couples traveling with horses.  They could board their horse, unhook their trailer and travel to area attractions while resting in our B & B.  We had a website, organic/farm-grown menu and prior to every guest I would clean/prepare the space by praying for them.

    God has blessed us in our marriage of late and we are now in a peaceful place in our marriage (and it has/is an on-going process). We feel led to share with other couples, to offer a place to re-connect, rest and discuss issues about marriage.  

    The sense of urgency to work on saving a marriage is lacking in those we have been in ministry with.  It's as if there is this pain and desire to remove the pain, but no real desire to do whatever it takes to save the marriage.  Neither party is willing to humble themselves and admit/confess their shortcomings and then use the power almighty God offers in prayer and reconciliation to heal what has been wounded.

    True humility is accepting the power of knowing you are born again, your are His son/daughter and He only wants what is good for you.  Being filled with His love leaves room to humble yourself.  Confessing and forgiving allows us to begin again.

    When we allow marriages to fail, families fail.  When families fail, communities and churches fail.

    How much more urgent should it be to reach out to marriages?  It seems as though there is an unspoken yearning from hurting people in marriages crying for help.  I don't know if its just such a touchy area people do not want to become involved OR we as a church just don't know what to do to help.

    I wonder how many of us know of a couple (or two)  splitting up in your church body and what it would take to break through that silence ~ offer a word of encouragement ~ opportunity to pray together ...

    I'm sure I am so green in this area of ministry I don't know what I'm talking about and I'm sure a lesson is on its way, but please pray for us.  Satan will not want us to speak into lives because this is where he works most diligently ... Christian families.  If he can get to marriages, so goes the family.

    Humility, Power in Him, and Urgency ... Let's get started

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Open Wounds

Recently we have had a friend undergo surgery that ended with several 're-entries' and due to this, it became very difficult to find flexible, healthy skin to close the wound to heal.  This is a terrible ordeal ~ just when you think the worse is over ~ to find out more is yet to come. This made me think of our emotional wounds.

At one point, the wound had to be left open to clean out the infection.  How vulnerable .... I thought.

When we are injured emotionally as a child, this wound we carry with us the rest of our lives.  

Arrested development is where you are frozen in your emotional development at the age where you encountered trauma.

So here is how it works (from Broken Children, Grown-up Pain by Paul Hegstrom).  'The information received by our senses comes into the part of the brain called the thalamus.  The thalamus is like a train-switching station that decides if the input it receives is traumatic or not--based on the past information stored in the brain.  If one has been wounded in childhood then he or she is actually making life decisions based on the wounds of childhood."

There is quite a difference in people who have been wounded as they age; those who age with 'the God' perspective and a wound that has been healed and those who age with 'a worldly' perspective and are fearful and live with an unhealed, open wound.  

Paul Hegstrom suggests that  "the purpose of healing and maturity is to override what wounded children's brains drive them to think, feel, and do by using the frontal cortex of their brains to make decisions and taking captive the imaginations and bring down the strongholds.  This is maturity.

Maturity is the ability to see reality instead of perception. 

Children and wounded adults think their perception is the only one to be believed and that all other perceptions are wrong.  If I have been abused through rejection, incest, sexual molestation, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, or physical abuse, every incident and bit of raw data coming into my brain computer has to go through a clogged filter of my perceptions based upon my previous wounds and  will become my reality for a lifetime."

Without the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2) or sancification we walk through life incomplete and stuck.

I have been keenly aware of couples who are retired and in the last half of their lives.  Everywhere I go, I notice them.  I think 'so that's retirement'?  I wonder if they have an 'open wound', seeking something to help heal them.  How many of us are wondering around making life decisions based on childhood hurt?  

Seeking  true healing .... A covering to protect the most precious thing ....

There is only one true healer, one way to be healed and that is through Christ.