Friday, February 21, 2014

Where does Nitro go between the old & the new of changed behavior?

Where do you go?  

In the time of changed behavior, between the old and the new...Where do you go?

When we began this journey and Nitro would bolt or jerk suddenly, I would read this as aggression and Nitro being afraid.  He was just unsure and asking questions, but I would respond in fear and anxiety and a tense body...Nitro fed off of that...and our combination was A MESS!!  Can you see it now? 

So I am going to share this transition from fear to safety to 'release'. (My challenge to you is to apply this to your relationship with God.)


So Nitro would react out of not knowing (which was often at first) and I would become fearful until LeAnn taught me as a willing student, eager to receive, that this is Nitro just questioning. When he doesn't know he turns to me to tell him. When that communication results in a positive end he returns to me for that 'release'.  Now in the horse world, that is an important thing to know.  A horse is uptight and tense and ready to bolt (that fight or flight response) until you see them 'release'.  LeAnn demonstrated Nitro would 'get it' he would turn to me and lick his chops and his jaw would relax, following that, his whole body relaxed.  It's so cool to know this.  It's as if he is saying "what, what, what do you want....hey, where is she...gotta check in with Cindy...'release', 'safety', 'Ahhh', that wasn't so bad'.

My question to you is where do you go?  Where is your release?  Where is your safety?

Here are the lyrics to a song by Lindsay Mccaul

"Where Do You Go"

Stuck at a crossroad, you keep waiting for a sign
Could a pen from heaven write your answer in the sky
If an constellation were to point you left or right
You would go
So where do you go
When there's no voice from heaven
Where do you go
When all you have are questions
Maybe the silence is his mercy
and There's beauty in his mystery
You should know you're not alone
Wherever you go
You pray for eyes to see with every waking breath
A holy fire to illuminate your steps
A single cloud could lead you through your wilderness
 And you would go
It's by faith we live
It's by faith we see and believe
 We believe 

I am reminded of what is told in Genesis 22:1-19 where God tells Abraham to take Isaac to Mount Moriah (oh and by the way, it was a mere 50 miles) and sacrifice his son.  Here are my notes after reading that scripture.  

A side note for those seeking, I have set aside morning devotion time once I get to work where I spend time in the word (I follow the 365 day reading plan in the back of my bible), I read the scripture, write down notes as I read from the word; then I reflect personally on what that scripture is saying to me today in my present state of life.) I refuse to turn on anything electronic or touch anything work-related until I do this. 

God refines us through difficult times.  When we are tested or in difficult circumstances, we can complain or we can try to see how God is stretching us to deepen our character. 

We should not expect our obedience to God to be easy or to come naturally.  

Sometimes God asks us to sacrifice someone or something (I'm thinking of what ever my Tower of Babel may have become) to see in our heart where our faith really is.  Sacrifice our children in our heart?  So it will be clear that I love God more than I love my children?  WHOA....fear reaction, looking for safety....where do I go?

I have lived a life where my emphasis has been on teaching and my children.  Ladies, I know you are with me on this, but hear me when I admit how wrong I have been and what a trail of destruction my creation of my Tower of Babel has left.  Where I have gone in my life has been to revamp any effort needed to build, secure and maintain those two areas of my life.  I would be what is called 'over-functioning' in relationships. Believe me when I say, 'I did good'.  In the wake of doing this, the debris of failed marriages and a boarded up heart is my legacy.  Again, don't feel sorry for me, the purpose of my sharing is to speak to you.  God met me there, just as he met Gideon, in the wine press...hiding out...and he called him 'mighty warrior' (Judges 6:12)..this makes my heart full of joy.

When we give to God what He asks, He returns to us far more than we can dream.  After we sacrifice--He provides.  (I am caught by his horns in the thicket)  When God blesses us--the intent is to overflow to others.

In closing today, from Genesis 45:1-28  God is sovereign, His plans are not dictated by human action.  Don't ever give up hope that God has a wonderful future in store for you.  He uses bad things for His good.


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