Monday, January 6, 2014

Letting Go

First writing~January 5, 2014

Letting Go of 'Real Estate' for Christmas

I'm a woman, 53 years old with 2 adult children, living on a farm in Missouri with retirement ahead and Christmas just behind.

I'm a woman who has worked to find worth, loved to fill that God-hole, and am entering a time in life where all I imagined...planned for...invested in..has little or no eternal value...this revelation is not entirely a bad thing...God uses ALL things for His good.

I'm a woman who is just now learning God loves really...and true joy is found when I become smaller.  Go figure...I become smaller; life becomes bigger....who knew?  My entire life has been about being the best; being first; making money; growing your program; winning the race...and now, I'm finding God is calling me to step back into the audience...release my hold...let go of the 'real estate' I had always held onto, especially at Christmas.  Allow my adult children and family 'to Christmas' and I would just stop the battle for my time--my house--my meal--my way.  (Want to know how good that felt? And how I felt after it was all over?)

So, I invite you to follow me in this journey.  I will share about Gods transforming work in my life, my struggle to surrender and much more. 

This blog will include how I have been working at coping with children growing up, leaving home; marriage struggles that are now strengths; beginning Bed and Breakfast with inn keeper insights; retirement; and vitamins/suppliments/recipes that will help as our body changes.  I was a college athlete and coach; now a farmers wife & a Bed and Breakfast owner with many ministry opportunities ... But most of all ... I struggle with where my children are, their walk with The Lord, my family as my parents age, menopause, and marriage.

So, come into the bible-belt; I welcome you into a woman's heart and life as we share in these opportunities for growth together.

God bless


  1. OK nice start! Keep it up. I Noticed today my blog has about 180 posts in the last few years - maybe avg. one-per-week. That's my goal for this year. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks Vince, I read yours...don't post remarks...but enjoy your writing
