Monday, January 6, 2014

Health...what about it

Women and Menopause
Life is always how we view it through our filter, which is made up of all our lifes' experiences.  We have issues come at us, we receive them through our filter, we compare them and how they will meet our needs, then we plan or behave...Thank you Dr. Glasser (an Atheist under which I studied Choice Theory) and now am using to glorify God.  So, if you understand this vessel is but a gift; needn't we take care of it?  Do our best to honor it? 
I have absolutely NO medical background, so that's my disclaimer; what I share...consider it as you would a cookbook.  Find something you like and try it out.
I am not receiving anything AT ALL for sharing these products...they just work for me.
First, the only way I made it through menopause and the lack of memory, the  non-use of 'nouns', agitation (and this was following several doctors visits) was through taking these...Avena Herbal Balance, Herbal Brilliance and Vitamin Supreme (Thank you Amanda Snelson)...I add Calcium with Vitamin D for my bones, along with lifting weights.  Ladies, research this; weight bearing exercise is a must for our bones as we age. I also have taken up horse-back riding with a One-Day Women Facing Their Fears event as a result of horsemanship lessons (thank you LeAnn Lacey).
The second major change is my diet.  I have gone gluten free and follow the B+ (my blood type) diet plan from Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo. 
Here are some of the recipes and meals I use;
Green Smoothie---fist full of spinach, 1-2 cups filtered water (pulse in blender), add highly beneficial fruits--fresh pineapple, blue berries (we purchase/pick from area blueberry farms and freeze excess), frozen over ripe bananas, black cherries and pineapple juice (not from concentrate). Now set your blender on blend.  This is a good cleanse; my daughter taught me how to make this when she lived in Van Couver she worked in a smoothie shop.
Oatmeal--I only use Steel Cut Oats, purchase from area Mennonite store.  I place 2 cups water to 1 cup oats in a pan first thing in the morning, bring to boil, put lid on and turn burner off.  Add our farm-raised honey and blueberries...


Another favorite is a replacement for tuna fish salad...I use cod (wild-caught), bake it, add our farm-fresh eggs boiled, onion, carrotts and an oil-based dressing (see below).
I received the Pioneer Woman Cooks Food From My Frontier by Ree Drummond for Christmas and I love all the pictures...especially when I cook...I'm a visual learner.  (That's why all the pictures.)

Bake at 350 degrees, place cod on lemon slices, cover with olive oil and garlic, bake for 20 minutes or until it is moist and flaky.

Boil 3 eggs, cut up in bite-size pieces, do the same with red onion and carrotts

Let the Cod cool, then shred it on top of the onion, add all ingredience.

Finished salad...we add a layer of spinach on top toaste ezekiel sprouted bread.
One last recipe is Banana Bread...gluten-free is difficult...I have experimented with many different flours and I have found the King Authur brand to be the best.  I use the old Betty Crocker cook book recipe, substituting the flour and using only brown sugar.

So there are some hints and recipes....let me know if you have any questions or need links for any of the above products..
May God Bless you!


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