Sunday, March 30, 2014

Whoa Zone and Go Zone

LESSON 11--Allow Nitro to Fail

As I was learning the whoa zone, go zone and the go go zone in relation to where you plant your body as guiding a horse, I was thinking 'how easy this is'.  If Nitro didn't get the message I added pressure (changed my body position).   The further I moved toward his rear end the quicker his pace, as I moved to his head he would slow down.  All of this was happening in the arena while I was lunging him (he would go in a circle around me on a rope).  When he would 'get it wrong' LeAnn taught me to tug hard on the rope and stand firm....even if he reared up and got spooked (or in other words failed at the command).  I am the center of this circle (I'm sure in math this is called something) and from this point I was to allow Nitro to fail.

Here are some of the horses Nitro has lead out of the barn and into the yard!
(Do you see Nitro?)

All mothers know how difficult it is to allow our children or grandchildren to fail; to hurt; or to not succeed.  I remember when it was time for my children to get their shots, and I wanted to 'take the shot' instead of my children.  I think throughout my life it has been much easier for me to take the pain then to allow it onto my children.  Through divorce, I have over-functioned and over-protected my children (even spoiled them).  It's as if we try to compensate for the, I would not stand firm, yank the rope, draw attention to our true foundation.  I allowed the hesitation.  Have you witnessed the parenting strategy where the parent has a conversation with the child?  Tries to reason with them?  Can you imagine what that would look like in the arena? (I wasn't quite like that, but this is what I am talking about.)

To illustrate further, a LeAnn story;  our dog Buck is wonderful....however, when we work horses he thinks he is supposed to help by running and barking at the horse.  The first time Buck came into the arena when LeAnn started training, I told Buck 'go'....I said it over and over and over.....I pointed....I scolded....I drug his body out of the arena.  LeAnn finally turned to me and said in a soft voice "do you mind if I disciple Buck, I won't hurt him", I said 'sure'.  She took her long whip (which she has ultimate control over, I've never seen such precision) and she said to Buck in a stern voice "Buck"....*whip*....."OUT".  Oh my, he was outside the arena in a second and never came back in.  She did not touch him with the whip,  it just cracked *near* him.  From that day on, Buck would sit and watch outside the arena.  LeAnn would pet Buck, Buck would greet her in the driveway, but the minute she went in the arena, he would go lay down in the shade.  My point is, was there a conversation or hesitation.....?

Here is Buck

In Gen 19:15-29 you can read about Sodom and Gomorrah which is all about hesitation.  We must see that our hesitation to obey stems from the false attractions of our culture's pleasures.  We are clinging to the past, unwilling to turn completely away.  Are you looking back longing at sin while trying to move forward with God?

Jesus said "No one can serve two masters". Matthew 6:25

Recently, I have witnessed (or perhaps just now am seeing) what people worship, lets just call them idols.  The pictures on the walls, the subjects of our photography, the conversation..... I am noticing as I discuss my retirement how the conversation generally follows income and how to make more.....I am noticing how 'we pretend' and create a 'pretend' life.  It's as if we have bought into the Barbie life.....we have Ken, now we need the convertible and the vacations, get the picture?

If I were to compare myself to Nitro, I would have to say that my pace in life has been directly affected by what is in front of my eyes (my whoa zone) and what is behind me (my go zone).  Now, it is my life challenge (with God's help) to be able to answer favorably this question;

What are your family and friends learning about God by watching you?